Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Play for Health

When we began the discussion on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle  I was amazed at how much work it appeared to involve. I mean dam! So many minutes of cardio and so much time spent weight bearing and this amount for stretching. Than we add in food journals, meditating, regular journaling, tongue brushing, and towel scrubs. When do we make our artist's dates and  spend that quality time reading with the kids or the big one; when do we fit in preparing real foods or even shopping for them.  We have created this monster of a standard that just overwhelms most people." I can't do all that stuff so why bother doing any of it"  Well time management is a subject we will go into depth with later on but today let's take a look at ourselves and realize just how silly we really are.

Yes all these things will bring us some type of improved sense of well being and I would try to do each one of them...ONCE IN AWHILE...yes once in a while schedule in a bunch of stuff...but seriously...what are going to do....spend your 10 minute morning break sitting in the john trying to meditate? Are you going to run on the treadmill in between stirring the broth based soup you must have with every meal?  Maybe you can fill out your food journal during the time you are sitting for a red light?

How about having some fun? There are over 10,000 studies proving that laughter heals. Google it if you don't believe me. I won't bother putting links here because they are so easy to find. Spend your day having fun.  Exercise doesn't have to be a treadmill or a gym...how about shooting hoops with your kid and his friends after school for an hour? I suck at basketball but I love chasing the kids around trying to steal the ball from them as they try to play. I always break a sweat and I am pretty sure by the way I am panting I have probably hit my target heart rate! The kids think it is hilarious when I miss easy free throws and they pretend to faint when I accidentally get a bowl into the hoop.

Sitting in a lotus position chanting OM isn't always fun or even relaxing...but finding a quiet trail or park and doing Thich Nhat Hanh's walking meditation gets you
#1 outside for some sunlight
#2 some movement and deep breathing
#3 and of course some mind quieting time
is this a giggling good time? no is it fun  YES

Do you have to sit and read a chapter book every night? How about playing Scrabble with the kids? Or even karaoke? They have to read for that too!! Fun isn't always a particular activity...it is an attitude...don't be so self conscious all the time...dance with the mop to that Sleeping Beauty song as you do the floors...you know the one...you are trying to think of the words right now...you are even humming it a bit aren't you?    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjegSDxnVX0    Once Upon A Dream

Now finish this as you listen to that. Long commutes are often used to listen to self help books and all those classics you never got around to reading...how about downloading some Bill Engram or Jeff Foxworthy into that Ipod tonight?

You see fun doesn't have to be a scheduled activity and scheduled activities can be fun. Now your homework until next time   http://www.dumbspot.com/dumb-jokes   
go to this site or the site of your choice and memorize 1 joke and than tell it to someone...your dog if no one else will listen...than come back here and tell me just how much better you feel!!

Q: What's the difference between a Northern fairy tale and a Southern fairy tale?
Northern fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time..."
Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this..."